To learn how your new ad, product or concept fits the market before launching, it can be beneficial to test it to the target audience before the release.
A test can assist to the shortlisting of the luxury of too many good concepts, it also reduces the risk of nasty surprises, you did not think of before launch, and a test just gives a nice confidence and comfort in the decision process. Various methods are involved in the development of the questionnaire, the structuring of data and the analysis - as it is of particular concern to be sure to ask the right questions and not unintentionally probing the interviewed in a specific direction.
A final assesment of the succes of a future contept will hence, be based on a deep analysis of vaious aspects and dimensions.

A monadic survey means that each respondent is presented exclusively to one idea or concept in the test situation.
A monadic study is conducted with uniform, but independent and comparable samples and the results are presented by comparing the results of each sample. This method will provide a valid depiction of the success of each concept, as the results will not be influenced by the another concepts’ attractiveness. If multiple concepts are tested among all respondents, there is a high risk of order effect and thus bias in the assessment of the different concepts.
A monadic survey contradicts from the monadic sequential survey where each respondent is shown every idea next to each other for direct comparision.